How To Drive Safely In The Snow
By Zunsport - 3rd May, 2024

At Zunsport, we understand that you take pride in your car and its appearance. To keep your car in top condition we’ve put together 6 useful tips about driving safely in the snow.
1. Leave Yourself More Time
You should plan your journey ahead of time to avoid unlit areas or roads that you know have hidden dips or hazards, which could be less visible under the snow and could become dangerous. Give yourself more time before setting off to also clear your car of snow.
2. Check Your Tyres And Wipers
Always ensure that you have auto wiper control turned off before turning the ignition on because frozen wipers can blow the control fuse. You also need to make sure that your tyres have adequate tread for gripping on icy roads.
3. Accelerate Gently And Change Up Gears Quickly
When driving in the snow, you should only gently accelerate your car and rely on using low revs. This will give your car more control on icy surfaces. You should use the higher gears and avoid coasting on icy roads.
4. Try To Move Off In Second Gear To Control Wheel Slip
By moving off in second gear, you can minimise any wheel slip on icy or snowy surfaces. If your car has a 4x4 or similar mode, then this will help you, so you should make sure this is engaged before travelling in the snow. To check if your car has this function, look at your vehicle’s handbook.
5. Leave Ten Times The Normal Gap Between You And The Car In Front
Maintain a safe speed and keep a good gap between you and the car in front. During snowy and icy conditions, it is recommended to increase this gap to ten times the usual stopping distance. You should avoid stopping or starting quickly by driving slightly slower or stopping well ahead of time where possible.
6. Use A Low Gear When Driving Downhill
When you use a lower gear, you benefit from engine braking. Without revs, your engine becomes resistant to turning and can both reduce strain on brake pads as well as afford you an extra layer of control over your car’s speed and your engine.For more information about driving safely in the snow, get in touch with Zunsport.
Image source: Unsplash